See What It's About

Even though I'm back to getting up in the dark because of the time change, my commute still has its rewards. That snow will be gone soon.

So much of our time is spent on routines, doing the same things over and over, day after day. After awhile it becomes a habit, we become blind to it; "just another day driving to work".

Yesterday afternoon I was doing yard work ... OK, I was cleaning up after the dogs. I do it every weekend, and the next weekend I'll have to do it again. It was fairly warm yesterday, and I was enjoying the warm sun on my back. I worked my way around the yard, head down, searching the sloping ground. When I reached the bottom, I stopped for a moment to scan the yard to see if I missed anything, and I briefly caught a flicker from the corner of my eye. I turned my gaze up to to look.

From the empty lot across the way, dozens of butterflies were flying towards me. These were not the lazy summer butterflies that dance aimlessly from flower to flower. These were butterflies on a mission. I watched as they went by, heading determinedly north, oblivious to my presence. Some traveled alone, others were in pairs, following as straight a line as the wind and obstacles would allow, guided by some internal compass. By the time I thought to get my camera, they were gone.

Just another Sunday afternoon, picking up dog poop.


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