Accepting consequences

Actions have consequences, often unplanned and unexpected, and sometimes unwanted. Frequently the results of our actions are a mixture of both desired ("good") outcomes, and undesired ("bad") ones. Good and bad are relative terms, depending on your point of view. ***** Life in the desert is directly affected by the availability of two things - water and food. While this is true anywhere on Earth, due to the scarcity of those two elements in the desert environment, they become the paramount factors for the survival of living things. Usually the two are found together; plants and animals are concentrated in areas where water is reliably available. For many years I have made both available to the birds and small mammals occupying the rural suburban area where I live. I tend the plants that provide shelter and food to them, and make available a steady source of water and supplemental food in measured amounts. It is an oasis not dissimilar to the natural ones nearb...